20 images. 20 seconds. 1 night of stimulating conversation. Join us for a unique opportunity to celebrate DFW's creative talent with artists and design peers, and the public alike ... WHAT IS PECHA KUCHA? Derived from a Japanese term for the sound of conversation ("chit-chat”), a Pecha Kucha is an exciting, fast-paced presentation format. Artists/Designers will present a slideshow of 20 images, each slide shown for 20 seconds. The result is a high-energy creative showcase.
This is a great opportunity for our network to present and showcase their creative talent. Please hurry and submit your presentation requests for this event before our program fills up!
Cover until 8:15 - $3
Cover after 8:15 - $5
After Party on the Roof Top Deck!
July 12, 2008 at 6:45pm
Location: The Bone in Deep Ellum Street:
2724 Elm St City/Town:
Dallas, TX 75226check out more info at their website