Thursday, December 17, 2009
Back With A New Beat
Some of my goals for the blog are: inform, promote, support, share, and of course listen.
So with that said, here is the first post of the resurrection: Yuri Lane performs beatbox harmonica in this short video directed by Marty Nowak. You can jump over to his website and cop his album, check more videos, and upcoming shows.
Thursday, April 2, 2009

Festival Dates & Times:
Friday, April 3, 2009 5:00pm to 10:00pm
Saturday, April 4, 2009 11:00am to 10:00pm
Sunday, April 5, 2009 11:00am to 7:00pm
For more info and detail on the schedule and location go to their website
Last year, some friends and I were fortunately enough to participate in this great event. I didn't had a clue we were being filmed by tv camera crew and we ended up in a few clips from the local tv station report on the festival. Check out these videos on what to expect this weekend.
Channel 21 report on the festival (click link to access video):
Saturday, March 28, 2009
A New Perspective
Meet a young street artist who has been getting up quite a bit lately in Los Angeles: Phil Lumbang. His work carries a simple message and the idea of social change.
Phil first got his start as an intern for Shepard Fairey at Studio Number One and quickly worked his way up the ranks to design assistant. Now, as he finds his style and confidence working outdoors, he has begun a great career as a print-maker and painter.
via Juxtapoz
Power of Jesus

Lund’s Corner Jesus Draws a Crowd
By Steve Urbon / Standard-Times senior correspondent
Thursday, March 26, 2009 -
NEW BEDFORD — Tears welled up in Angela Sampaio’s eyes as she beheld the Lund’s Corner Jesus through her car windshield Wednesday, reports today’s Standard-Times.
"I am really, really, really moved by this," she said. And she wanted reassurance that the photographs of this Jesus are on the Internet. "This will be seen all over the world," she said.
She had plenty of company there in the parking lot of Premier Video, where the slightly larger-than-life depiction of the Saviour appeared on the wall sometime last weekend. In a one-hour span around noon Wednesday, at least 35 people walked or drove to the lot just to see the figure that is pasted to the white brick.
They came from miles around. They were young and old, sometimes three generations of a family in a car. There were blue-collar workers with their buddies, retirees, teenagers. They brought cameras and took pictures of each other near the figure of Christ. Some brought flowers, real and artificial, and some brought candles that flickered in their jars in the spring breeze.
(Note: Our friend tells us - "best pizza in that area is in that building, so if anyone wants to see the miracle, stop by and get a Ray's pie!")
Sunday, March 15, 2009
World Bench Inc.

World Bench Inc. is myspace's #1 graffiti webzine. They have thousands and thousands of pictures from graffiti all over the U.S. and other parts of the world. They got a section of Dallas/Ft. Worth with real dope graffiti, so make sure to check it out!
If you want to submit any pictures, contact us at
OFYC - On For Your City

On For Your City is a Skate, BMX, BBoy/BGirl, and Urban Art competition taking place at Pike Park in Dallas, TX. For pre-registration and more info jump over here.
Sour Grapes 13 X UNT

This past weekend, the Sour Grapes Crew went to The University of North Texas for a special graffiti event. We were invited to paint a temporary wall that the university had built just for us. It was a perfect day for painting in a chill campus environment surrounded by cool people. We had a great time doing this event in conjunction with the "Graff, Tag and Bomb: The Influence of Graffiti" exhibition, which includes some of Dallas dope graffiti artist. Make sure to check out the art show and wall at UNT. This exhibition will run until march 28, 2009.
For more flicks of the wall and to see what Sour Grapes are up to check out their blog.
ArtsGoggle - March 27th

ArtsGoggle is the Near Southside's signature art and music event. Dozens of businesses are transformed into art galleries for the night, hosting artists and musicians from the neighborhood and throughout the region.
The event continues to grow in popularity and is drawing large crowds to the Near Southside every spring and fall on the Friday night before the west side's Saturday Gallery Night.

DMS Architects, Inc. will be opening it's doors to host an art exhibition, curated by Kerrie Conover (Fort Worth artist/photographer) as part of Fort Worth South's Arts Goggle on March 27, 2009.
The exhibition will feature eleven artists: Ray Albarez, Greg Bahr, Matt Clark, Kerrie Conover, Hatziel Flores, Larry Graeber, Heidi Lingamfelter, Joyce Martin, Emerson Mayo, Orlando Ramos, Johnny Villarreal.
Art will consist of paintings, photography, printmaking, sculpture and mixed media.
Date: | Friday, March 27, 2009 |
Time: | 5:00pm - 10:00pm |
Location: | DMS Architects, Inc. |
Street: | 300 College Avenue |
City/Town: | Fort Worth, TX |
Monday, March 2, 2009

That is correct! You're not dreaming, and this flyer is not a fake one. The team from Artifacts, you know, the people who brought you History In the Making last year? Well they are keeping their promise and are bringing it back one more time. I've been told by Artifacts that they are doubling up the wall space and the b-boy battles are gonna be sick! So make sure to come out and support since part of the proceeds will go to the Boys & Girls Club of America.
For more info go to or click on the flyer.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Freshly Baked: From The Studio
Colin Munroe x Wale - Will I Stay
"Homecoming" John Forte + Talib Kweli from The ICU on Vimeo.
John Forte X Talib Kweli - Homecoming
U.S. Secretary of Arts

One of the coolest shake-ups President Obama wants to bring into office is his plan to expand the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) and revitalize the arts.
His three top priorities are 1) Expanding public/private partnerships between schools and arts organizations. 2) Creating an Artist Corps. 3) Publicly championing the importance of arts education.
This has brought high-profile artist Quincy Jones to the suggestion to President Obama for the creation of a Secretary of Arts. He has started an online petition to create the Department of the Arts, because he says that the arts bring spiritual benefits. This could bring the arts and the government under one umbrella. But some argue that the arts should not be connected to the government. The opposition argues that the government should just fund the art, “then go away.”
Richard Kessler, executive director of The Center for Arts Education of New York city thinks is a great idea though. He said, “The mere existence of a cultural policy platform is an amazing thing, a good thing. Nothing like it existed before in the history of our country.”
As we know, artist help define society. I believe that more knowledge to young students about the arts is a great thing to care for. But do we want the government to oversee the arts? Perhaps this idea of a Secretary of the Arts can bring a direct representation to the White House about the lack of funds for arts like scholarships, art centers, and public art. If your country would needed you to paint, would you paint? As an artist, I would love to have government support, but as long as there is no regulation between what I want to paint and what the government thinks I should paint.
If you're interested in signing the online petition go here.
Zombie Attack!!!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
VACH Art Exhibit call for artists - deadline April 2
Up to 3 entries per artist are allowed in a combination of any of the following categories:
1. Oil
2. Water Media
3. Dry Media
4. Mixed Media Collage (2-Dimensional)
5. Photography & Digital Art
6. 3-Dimensional Art
A printable copy of the prospectus, as well as a membership application, is available on the VACH website at You can contact for additional information. Members joining after the January meeting pay half of the yearly membership fee. Get your entry forms in soon, as the entry deadline is April 2, 2009.
R.I.P. Andrew Newell Wyeth (July 12, 1917 – January 16, 2009)

Andrew Newell Wyeth was a visual artist, primarily a realist painter, working predominantly in a regionalist style. He was one of the best-known U.S. artists of the middle 20th century, and was sometimes referred to as the "Painter of the People", due to his work's popularity with the American public. On January 16, 2009, Andrew Wyeth died peacefully in his sleep at his home in Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania, after a brief illness. He was 91 years old. The cause of death is not known. Listen to the NPR broadcast about Wyeth here.
What is Art?

"The Art Instinct," it argues that the instinct to create art is part of the mating process. That is, we create art to impress potential mates. Now this fascinates me, because for a couple years now I've thought that the impulse to create work that garners critical praise and popularity is a means to get sex and love. "Do you like my painting/acting/writing/music? Wanna do it?" I can't even see myself being in a relationship with someone unless they liked my art.
Do you create art with conscious thought about attracting mates?
Jonah Lehrer reviewed Denis Dutton's new book over the philosophy of art. He writes that this book goes over different expline over the meaning of art and exploring the art instict. Overall it sounds like a good reading for philisophical value or if you're an art major. Pick up a copy.
"Dutton is an elegant writer, and his book should be admired for its attempt to close the gap between art and science. It really is time that art critics learn about the visual cortex, musicologists study the inner ear and evolutionary psychologists unpack Jane Austen. Unfortunately, like so many other aesthetic theories, Dutton's ideas are ultimately undone by what they can't explain. This is the irony of evolutionary aesthetics: Although it sets out to solve the mystery of art, to explain why people write poems and smear paint on canvases, it ends up affirming the mystery. The most exquisite stuff is what we can't explain. That's why we call it art."
Read the rest of the review here!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Ratatat - Shempi + Gettysburg (Live in Paris)
This is a November, 2008 performance of the duo Ratatat playing in Paris. If theses two guys are not the saviors for bad electronic music, then it's a lost cause. But I'm sure you will judge for yourself that one bass, one guitar, and bunch of other music synthesizers can sound and look good.
"'Objectified' is a feature-length independent documentary about industrial design. it’s a look at the creativity at work behind everything from toothbrushes to tech gadgets. it’s about the people who re-examine, re-evaluate and re-invent our manufactured environment on a daily basis. it’s about personal expression, identity, consumerism, and sustainability. it’s about our relationship to mass-produced objects and, by extension, the people who design them.”
Bars & Tones by André F. Chocron
Save it for when you've had "one of those days."
Bars & Tones from André F. Chocron on Vimeo.