Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Del Sur

So if you haven't been aware of anything that has to do with street art, Above and Ripo have been on a South and Central America Tour for a few months now. All their adventures and works along the Southern part of this continent are posted on their blog. These guys are traveling from country to country making some serious progressive work along the streets with true meaning and always keeping it simple with word/play. I say progressive because this is not your typical graffiti writing, this is more than just a name being tagged. These are words that described true meaning of our lives and they are really making a good job at it. I'm truly amazed on these two artist and how they break international boundaries to get the job done. I hope more and more artist keep up this kind of hustle. Check it yourself here: http://southcentraltour.wordpress.com/


Endorsements from artist to their favorite presidential candidate are all over the news and internet. But I have to make a point of this specific one coming from Shepard Fairey endorsing no other than Obama. He makes it solid by making a few prints of the senator in a Malcom X-like pose. These prints will be available tomorrow at his website. If you're running with Obama, this could be a cool collectible to own.

Some other shit....
(Via Wooster Collective) A new way of interacting with "digital graffiti." Check it out:

Some more shit....
(Via Juxtapoz)

We hate to get too caught up in pop culture, but unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past week, you know that actor Heath Ledger was recently found dead in his New York apartment. From the look of this piece, a picture really is worth a thousand words.
On his last visit to his native Australia in December, Heath Ledger sat for a portrait by artist Vincent Fantauzzo. Fantauzzo released this image early with the approval of Ledger’s family, as he had planned to submit it for the Archibald Prize this year. Revealing a decidedly darker side of Ledger, the portrait is pretty intriguing. Read more here.

And finally...Nature Way to Get Revenge.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Se Dice Mande, No Que!

I've become obsessed over these hump days. I really feel like I'm at a top of a hill on Wednesdays and my weekend ball is ready to get rolling. I enjoy it more now because Wednesdays are my last day for class in the week. But anyways I've been really looking through different stop-motion films that different collective groups of artists are coming up with. Recently I've been on the talks about making one myself with a good artist friend of mine, Mer. So hopefully we'll get into more of that this coming up month. It is just incredible to see the process that a piece of art work goes through to get to that final stage, and even then...people like the Barnstormers, never seem to be done with a piece of work. They paint over it and make something more interesting out of it. It's the cycle.
Well here is yet another one (via Wooster Collective) Live Painting from suo-movement.

It's ironic on how the upper runners of the democratic party (Hillary/Obama) are starting to have beef with each other. I mean...if you don't win this time...you can always try again. Right?
Let's just be civilized and perhaps we'll both end up winning.

Quote of the Day: "I'm gonna go work like a real Mexican and go sweep up the parking lot." (Ro from the Art Dept.)

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Art For Kings

Brazilian street art team Os Gemeos with footage their painting of a castle in Gasgow, Scotland.

Monday, January 21, 2008


Now I usually wouldn't do this but eh who cares.

So today, as most of us might know, is an 'important' day for those who fought through the civil rights movement. But it a way this day doesn't really signifies a damn thing about Civil Rights. Perhaps it's just by honoring a person who fought all the way through and got him killed. This person, MLK Jr., not just lived for this movement...but it got him flat out killed. Now I don't want to go thru theories and what not, but perhaps someone, like the government, didn't like what he was doing or perhaps that someone was scared by what this man's power was doing. Someone out there wanted to kill this man for a particular reason. Maybe they didn't believe that black people should have the rights that white men do. But at the end of it all we all finally received equal rights. Well...that's what the government wants you to believe. I'm might not just be the only one that thinks there's still racism going on and people still segregate latinos and blacks. The system was made for those people to be just happy enough that they wouldn't rise up arms again against the government. Well it all came down to this. We get satisfied with a silly day honoring this man, when I think there should be movements still going on. But let's be serious...people are happy enough with what the system gives them. And they will just put up through the discriminations from one day to another. And it won't stop....cause men like MLK aren't alive anymore. Perhaps no one is brave enough to stand against the powerful government....

Except for this man:

Unless he's just a white man's puppet...

Sunday, January 20, 2008


Here's a few shows coming up @ F6 Gallery.


Friday, January 11, 2008

En Busqueda Por Identidad

(via Wooster Collective)

A short documentary about the amazing charcoal portraits of Jorge Rodriguez-Gerada. Enjoy!

Take and Fake (via Art For A Change)

Obey Plagiarist Shepard Fairey by Mark Vallen

Perhaps you are familiar with Shepard Fairey and his art work. Well artist Mark Vallen has a critical report on how Fairey has "stolen" many original rebellion art concepts from other artist. He reviews few of Fairey's art works and accuses him of never being original and how he takes other artist's concepts and putting his own little twist to it. Go read it here and judge for yourself.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Tag The Strip

"You pay, Palestinians spray!" For 30 Euros anyone can now order Palestinian youth to spray paint a personal message on the 620km-long wall created in the West Bank. You get three digital images of the finished commissioned work, and that warm fuzzy feeling inside knowing you've helped fund cultural and educational projects across the globe! Way to make lemonade from some bitter-ass lemons. Check out send.a.message now.

And if you don't know what the hell goes on behind this wall, watch this video please.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Graffiti on scantily clad girls. Need we say more? Fine. "Fetish Bubblegirls" presents the work of internationally recognize graffiti artist Tilt in an unabashedly new, colourful, and playful volume. One could argue for a strong parallel that exists between the classic graffiti writing's extensive use of bubbly, curvaceous shapes and the female form. The French born graf writer obsessively explores these tensions and parallels as he explores the world in search of beautiful 'canvases' on which to execute his art. Although this mission straddles the globe, there is a common thread that emerges as the most striking detail of the project - the openness and balance between innocence and playfulness and sexuality and the highly charged environment that all of the models inhabit.

Boom Blast!

Remember playing with tin can phones when you were a kid? Now you can take a walk down memory lane with these speakers from Boost Mobile. Street artists Mint and Serf from the East Coast along with Mainframe, repping the West Coast, designed these limited edition tin can speaker sets. The first in a series, these fully functional speakers look like tin cans, but bump music from all compatible music devices. Cop yours here.

Where Is Home?

During this holiday break I pondered upon an actual problem that the whole world is facing. I'm not going to get into it and start telling people what the fuck they should be doing, but I will let them know the information and they can judge themselves and perhaps do something about it...

Texas is the #1 state in carbon emissions in the United States. If Texas would be a country, then it would be the 7th country in the world with the highest carbon emissions.

If the ice caps disapear, then wouldn’t be fucking ironic for polar bears to move down south. This could create curiosity, awareness, or perhaps nothing. But that’s the risk.

The whole purpose behind this project comes from the urge of attention this message has. It doesn’t get on the news, it doesn’t get into people’s conversations, then it shall get its attention on the streets. free advertisement for the cause.

Above And Beyond

During these past two months or so artist Above has launched on a Central and South American Tour with artist friend Ripo. They will start from Rio de Janeiro cross through Argentina and make their way into Central American, and then making arrival in Mexico.

You can read all about their journey on the tour's blog here, which is regularly updated on every city with pictures of their art work and some really crazy stories of adventures .